Fringe Benefit-Emergency Short Term Funds

Hi there, 

I am wondering if anyone has tried to put together a program  that would address employees emergency needs that might prevent them from coming to work.  An example would be a car breakdown and no alternative way to get to work.  I don't want to open up pay advances this would be a formal petition and require approval and payback if they left before a certain time period?  

Let me know if you do something like this - love to have ideas and feedback.

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  • Our company has a corporate administered Employee Relief Fund and funds can be applied for in cases of disaster such as tornado, hurricane, flood, fire, death etc.  There is an application process and a corporate review panel who determines which employees get various amounts of money.  Part of our United Way contributions are matched in the ERF.  We've helped hundreds of employees nationwide.  The amounts can vary depending on the nature of the need.  I've seen several thousand dollars given out in the past.  These funds are not taxable to the employee.  Hope this helps. 

  • Thank Susan

  • Hi Diane - if you're also considering a technology to support this program, I've heard great things about Kashable.  Their platform may help spark some ideas/feedback on how the program would work best for your organization.  Best of luck! Aaron

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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