New HR Department Checklist

I am new to a small company looking at their current processes and trying to update as I review.  They have not had an official HR Department before. Does anyone have a checklist of what to do first?  I have been here 2 weeks and currently I am reviewing files and finding out what current processes are in place.

Thanks - Penny

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  • Penny - Congratulations on your new position and what an exciting role. If you'd like, why don't we connect by phone and I can talk through some of the basics with you to see if that helps you or if you need more? My email is or you can call my assistant Michelle at 513-697-9855 and she can schedule a time for us to talk.

  • Congrats on the new role! I have lots of good networking, growth and learning ideas for you if you want to connect. Message me at Also, I recommend Robin T. she's a wealth of knowledge. Cheers!

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 46Views
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