Looking for Employee Appreciation Activity Ideas

We have heard from our employees that they don't feel appreciated.  So we have started a program where as employees nominate coworkers on a monthly basis for going above and beyond in helping co-workers, customers or community.  We are also planning an Employee Appreciation Week. 

The thought is each day there will be a special activity or some recognition.  We have 375 employees spread out at 36 locations covering 10 counties, which makes things a bit more challenging.  Over the course of the week members of HR & Senior Management will hand deliver a basket of "goodies"/snacks to each location along with a  Thank you note.  On one day we will recognize years of service (we have several employees with 15+ years of service).  Most likely a certificate and posting to our intranet.  We also thought of a "jersey day" where employees get to wear their favorite team jersey and have a casual day.  (We are a Bank so this is a big deal to us and has in the past been a fundraiser for charity.)  Not sure what else to do.

Any suggestions? (Please keep in mind we're also thinking budget friendly.)

Thanks - Tonya

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    • Dan Nolan
    • Dan_Nolan.1
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi Tonya! 

    There are numerous ways to make employees feel appreciative and Talmetix has been working with organizations in your industry to do just that; make employees not only feel appreciative but also feel like they have a voice.  Marrying the employee experience with the customer experience can have a massive impact on an organization!

    Feel free to email or call and we can discuss in more detail: dan@talmetrix.com 513 607 3741 so we can discuss your situation in more detail.

  • Hi Tonya - we do an Employee Appreciation Week every year for our credit union. We're about 550 employees spread out around 28 locations, so I'm close to being in your same boat. :)

    Here are a few things we've done in the past:
    - give the whole week a theme. Last year we made everything Minnesota-themed, because that's where we're located. The year before that, we did a red carpet theme and rolled out the red carpet, etc. During those weeks, it's easy to have those casual-type days. We did a "dress like a lumberjack day" this past year, and we were surprised how many people actually loved it. 

    - We also had contests by branches/departments. One year they did a lip sync video, another year they reenacted their favorite movie scenes. We picked a winner, but the best part was how much everyone else liked seeing their peers from across the state. 

    I don't want to write a novel here, but feel free to reach out if you'd like to toss some ideas back and forth! 

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