Unpaid Leave of Absence

Hi! I'm looking for some insight as to what others do with unpaid time off for medical reasons. When an employee hasn't been with us long enough to qualify for FMLA or short-term disability, we ask that they take unpaid time (they can also supplement with their PTO).

Does anyone have a policy for this that they use? Right now, employees are just taking off as long as they want to as we don't have limits in place.

I appreciate you sharing your practice in this.

Thanks! - Lisa

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  • Hello,

    The company that I work for is in three different states New York, Ilinois and Pennsylvania and they each have different laws regarding ADA and accommodations including unpaid leaves of absences in addition to FMLA.  I would suggest checking with any state requirements you may have to follow first.  Due to ADA regs in the states we operate in, when we have a team member who is requesting a medical leave of absence and does not qualify for FMLA we will accommodate them with an unpaid medical leave of absence granted they can provide us with medical documentation to support their request.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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