March CincySHRM HR Roundtable - 3/4/25

There has been a decades-long desire for HR pros to be more strategic. It has worked in pockets, and some are blazing new trails. However, the vast majority of HR is still predominantly tactical. Does it have to be? Has it been the norm for so long that we don’t know any other approach? What if your company’s leadership doesn’t even know what strategic HR looks like?

There is a myriad of questions to consider. The reality is that if HR isn’t strategic, companies don’t need to have it be an internal function. It’s already happening in some organizations who have automated the tactical side of the profession.

This is a hot topic to tackle in the midst of this endless winter. Let’s get together in March to discuss – “Finally making the move to Strategic HR !!”

We’ll get together on Tuesday, 3/4/25 from 8:30am to 9:30am at Scarlet Oaks. (directions are below). We will meet in the Annex (right next to the cafeteria).

You want to do what you can to be at this Roundtable. Please remember – If you work with humans, you’re “in” HR. The forum is open to everyone and I love hearing differing perspectives.

Please take a moment to let me know if you can join us by responding with your RSVP by email to - I hope you can !!

Thanks – Steve


Instructions for the HR Roundtable at Scarlet Oaks:

  • The HR Roundtable is open to one and all !!  The meeting has an HR/Business focus each month and we get together to discuss that topic as well as network.  So, if you’re in HR, are a small business owner, are a resource partner who works with HR folks, a professional in transition, etc. – you are welcome to attend the Roundtable !!
  • The “dress” for the Roundtable is business casual. We’re not very formal and you’ll be fine however you dress. It’s more important to have you come and attend the forum.
  • Please come in and sign in for the Roundtable.  Note that if you go to any other Great Oaks door, you’ll be asked to have a picture ID and you will receive a Visitors badge as part of their security system.
  • Chances are I’ll be outside to greet you and welcome you to the Roundtable so you can find the right door to come and join the forum.
  • If you’re someone in transition, feel free to bring five (5) copies of your resume to put out at our Resume Table. Make sure to staple them if you have multiple pages.

Directions to the HR Roundtable at Scarlet Oaks:

  • From I-71: Take I-275 West to Mosteller Road (Exit #44); From I-75: Take I-275 East to Mosteller Road (Exit #44)
  • Turn Left (south) onto Mosteller Road.
  • Turn Left at the 1st traffic light onto East Kemper Road.
  • The Entrance to the Great Oaks campus is 0.7 miles on the Left at the 3rd traffic light.
  • Turn left onto Enterprise Drive and go straight past the gateway entrance.
  • Go to the Parking Lot in front of the High School.
  • The entrance for the Annex by the cafeteria is to the left of the campus’s Main Entrance.
  • The street address is 110 Great Oaks Drive (at 3254 E. Kemper Road).  Here is a link for a map of the Scarlet Oaks campus. -
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