Looking for Experienced HR pros to join the HR Team at Tramec in Oak Brook, Illinois

(This came to me from Angie Landis,  VP of HR at Tramec - Steve)

I'm looking for experienced HR individuals to join our HR team at Tramec. Due to both continued growth and a team member retiring, it's time to add to our amazing HR team.

Tramec Holdings has locations throughout the United States along with Australia & Sri Lanka. Our extensive benefits package includes company matching 401(k), year-end discretionary bonus, two medical plans, company matching HSA, dental, vision, disability insurance, 10 paid holidays, vacation, gym credit, cell phone discount, tuition reimbursement, on-demand pay, EAP plus much more !!

Our openings are for on-site roles, with the understanding that flexibility may be needed to accommodate a healthy work/family life balance.

Depending on the location, we have the flexibility to add either an HR Assistant or HR Manager. If you're an experienced HR Assistant or HR Manager in Ohio or Michigan and looking to join an awesome HR team, email me at alandis@tramec.com.  

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