Informal Wage Survey - Machining Positions

Hello!  It seems pay rates are changing faster than ever - I'd appreciate your feedback on the pay rate for a couple of positions, including:

- CNC Machine Operator (3+ years of experience)

- Set-up Machinist (3+ years of experience)

Of course, I'm not asking for the company name, but any information about where your company is located would be helpful as well. It gives me a little context for comparing the responses.

Thank you in advance! -  Jason

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  • Hi Jason!  

    If you don't have any other luck, we could slot those positions for you at a very nominal cost - we do this for a lot of companies who don't need a full comp analysis. You could also check with temp agencies who put out comp data every year or so. HR Partners Int'l Inc

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  • 5 mths agoLast active
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