Essential Skills for Students - Survey Request

(This came to me from Angela Collins of the Great Oaks Career Campus - Steve)

We all know that technology, like artificial intelligence technology, is changing the workforce. Great Oaks Career Campuses understands the need to focus on skills that students must possess beyond content knowledge. We would like to know what you believe are the top skills we can work to build with our students, so we can work to create educational experiences around these skills.

Please take a moment to complete the survey at this link:

There is a brief video on the survey about how artificial intelligence will shape the future. Then there is a list of skills for you to pick the top five skills you believe we should focus our work on. If you feel we missed a skill, you can add this as your fifth skill by typing this skill in the “Other” blank.

Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable information to us and for your continued support and partnership. - Angela

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