Looking for pre-employment assessment recommendations

I support recruiting for production roles at my company and have struggled to assess in an interview if a candidate would excel in the job.  Are there any assessments you have used that we can have our current employees take and then from those results build job-specific profiles which we can compare with candidate results?  What pre-employment assessments have brought good value to your recruiting process?

I appreciate your suggestions! - Grace

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  • Hi Grace.

    I am actively help a client with a pre-employment assessment upgrade.  There are several out there that can do this.  I have used SHL, pymetrics and Outmatch has a good one too.

  • Grace, we have been offering assessments to clients for over 25 years. We know the industry and use the latest "technology" in assessments. There is a lot to it and a lot of products out there. Some can be used for pre-employment and some should not be used. We can certainly have current employees take an assessment and build benchmarks specific to your jobs. We also have standard benchmarks for jobs. We have different levels of assessments because we believe that they should be appropriate to the job level as far as length of time to take and level of difficulty. This provides a positive candidate experience. Our assessments are valid and reliable (scientific terms) and they measure cognitive abilities, personality, honesty and integrity, and job fit. Happy to give you a free consultation. Thanks. Sue 740-326-6851 or sdevendorf@pdservices.com

  • Grace,

    I highly recommend Personnel Profiles. They have been in business for over 40 years and support many, many of my clients in the area to rave reviews. They work with companies as large as Toyota, UDF and city governments and also with clients who are family owned as small as 5 employees. Production is their specialty and customer service, hand-holding is their strength. They will customize a package exactly to your job descriptions and needs, and they are very economical. Please reach out to PJ Nolan pjn@persprofiles.com and let him know I sent you his way. Contact me if you'd like to chat. Darlene Mack, CEO HR Partners, darlene@HRPIInc.com

    • John Baldino
    • President of Humareso, International Speaker, Bocce Aficionado
    • John_Baldino
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi, Grace -

    The team at StaffGeek do a wonderful job with pre-employment assessments, and they are very reasonably priced. www.staffgeek.com

    Tell them I sent you! :)

    -John Baldino

    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Grace, we use DISC as our primary assessment. We have the ability to do job benchmarking along with skills and competencies. I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss further. 513-444-0067.

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