HR Fundamentals - A Deeper Dive into Compensation - 3/6/19

March 6, 2019    8:30am - 11:30am

3.0  SHRM and HRCI Credits

Fundamentals of Compensation is the newest offering in HR Partners’ HR Fundamentals™ Deeper Dives series.  Susan Shriver, VP of Compensation with David Joseph company and long time friend and colleague of mine, will lead this 3-hour workshop that will explore a number of compensation concepts, provide specific guidance on base pay vs. variable pay, how to do a market study, benchmark jobs and set pay ranges, red-circling and green-circling, where to find targeted salary data, and much more. Bring your specific requests - our 3rd hour is dedicated to open discussion and advice direct from the expert!   

Continental Breakfast and Registration begin at 8:00am, with the workshop running from 8:30 - 11:30.

Rookwood Tower - Northwestern Mutual
3rd Floor Conference Room
3805 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, OH  45209

$125 Includes continental breakfast and materials
For HOTLINE members only, the cost is $100 
- if you would like information on our HOTLINE program, contact

Here is the link to register for the workshop: 

Stay warm - I'll see you in March!


Darlene Mack, SHRM-SCP, SPHR
CEO & Managing Partner
HR Partners International, Inc

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