Involuntary Termination Procedures

I wanted to get feedback from others on how they handle their involuntary termination procedures.  In light of recent events in Illinois, I wanted to see if anyone could share how they handle safety surrounding involuntary terminations.

1.  Who handles the termination?

2.  Who is in the room during the termination?

3.  Where does the termination take place (conference room, outside of HR, offsite, etc)?  Time of day?

4.  How do you get the employee to the place where the termination is taking place?  Call them?  Someone walks them down?

5.  Do you have security on stand by, in the room, by the room, etc.?

Anything you could provide would be really appreciated.

Thanks - Jessica

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  • Hi Jessica -

    I (HR Manager) handle all of our terminations.  I will have the employee's manager with me during the termination.  If it's a situation in which it's a night shift employee or someone that I think will pose a threat, I contact the employee over the phone.  Any type of harassment or workplace violence terminations are always done over the phone.  For in person terminations, I like to take care of it right at the beginning of their shift.  We try to meet with them in an office as close to where they will be exiting as possible.  We do not have security, however I have had another manager nearby if I feel it's necessary.

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  • Hi Jessica,

    1. HR and the employee's manager are both present during the termination. Depending on the reason for the termination, either can take the lead in the termination. I also try to coach the manager if they need it prior to the termination.

    2. HR and the ee's manager.

    3. Typically in my office or the manager's office, but we have used a conference room if it's closer to their location and more private. We try to do terms whenever there are the fewest employees present (much of our workforce is out in the field during the day).

    4. We usually have the manager call and ask them to come to the manager's office, and then the mgr will walk them to wherever we're performing the termination.

    5. We don't have security. If I think there's a threat of violence, I will occasionally ask a third person to be in the room.

  • Jessica,

    The manager handles the termination and I (HR) acts as a witness. The manager takes the lead and I only intervene if things start going off the rails.   The termination is generally done in the manager's office and the manager calls the employee in.   We don't have security in most of our locations but if the manager believes things will get violent I recommend they have the police around just in case.

    I generally have the manager walk the employee back to the work area to gather personal belongings and then have the manager make sure that the employee leaves the premises. 

    Hope that helps!


    • Myia Sittig
    • Sr. HR Consultant
    • Myia_Sittig
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Jessica,


    1.  Who handles the termination? Direct Manager and Human Resources.  Direct Manager takes the lead, HR jumps in if needed. 

    2.  Who is in the room during the termination? Employee, Direct Manager, and Human Resources.

    3.  Where does the termination take place (conference room, outside of HR, offsite, etc)?  Time of day?  Conference room with HR and Manager closest to the door for easy exit in case employee gets out of hand. If employee is suspended, termination may be done over the phone with the same people. 

    4.  How do you get the employee to the place where the termination is taking place?  Call them?  Someone walks them down? Manager to ask employee to come to the conference room with them for a chat.

    5.  Do you have security on stand by, in the room, by the room, etc.?  Only if the employee has showed signs of aggression in the past.  If possible termination are done at a time when the least amount of employees are in the office.   

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