Cell Phone Stipends

Hi there !!

I wanted to see what, of if, you do for cell phones for your employees. Do you pay a stipend to cover the business use of a personal phone?

We don't have company cell phones, but people do need to use their phone regularly in many of our roles within the organization.

Any input you have on this would rock !!

Thanks - Steve

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  • Steve - we reimburse employees up to $80/month for their cell phone.  


  • We have different tiers based on the job and the level of cell phone use typical to those jobs.  It's a percentage (either 70% or 90% of the bill) with a maximum ceiling for each tier (I think something like $90 or $120). 

  • We pay a cell phone allowance of $900/year. 

    • Jessica Stephenson
    • HR Technology Enthusiast & Marketer
    • Jessica_Stephenson
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Steve,

    We don't have any landlines in our office, and many people work from home regularly anyway. So, everyone in the company uses their personal cell phone, and then we use the Grasshopper app. to assign people work phone number extensions that automatically route to their personal number.

    We pay up to $70/mo. for an employee's cell phone bill...but there's no stipend for wear and tear on the cell phone, itself. The company doesn't pay to replace one's personal cell phone. We've been paying up to $70/mo. for at least 7 years, so we probably need to re-evaluate if that's sufficient.

    Thanks for asking,


  • We have long been reimbursing our employees since it was really expensive for date and all.  We have some on support receiving $60 per month and some receiving $30 per month depending on use.  They have to turn in a copy of their invoice, too.

  • We provide cell phones to those whose job requires them to be on the phone a lot. If they choose not to use the company provided cell phone, we pay a $45/month stipend. (we're a non-profit) 

    • Janelle Rodriguez
    • HR Enthusiast | Mentor | Avid Learner
    • Janelle_Rodriguez
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Steve! My employer recently changed to BYOD.  The will reimburse $80/month for some positions once the required steps have been taken and approvals provided. We are required to have certain apps in order to access secured sites, company apps and such. Additionally, the org has access to the device and can wipe the phone if lost or stolen.

    In previous years, before mobile devices were required, we had to go through a daunting process of reviewing the phone bill, highlighting the business calls, and using a unique formula when submitting for reimbursement.

  • Steve, we have a stipend policy of $30 per month for our Full-Time Care Managers. We decided not to get into a % or higher amount since most people are using their smart phones for almost everything today.


  • We pay $25 a month to our part-time employees that sign up for the stipend and $50 for full-time. They do have to record their voicemail a certain way and be an employee for the entire month they are requesting. Also if they set up their email on their devices they have to set up their signature a certain way as well. Our employees are using their personal phones very little or we would bump that stipend up. 

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