Looking for someone to help a new college grad
(This came to me Anonymously. Take a look and respond if you know of a resource. Thanks - Steve)
I'm trying to find a resource that would be willing to work with a new college grad who has a degree in Finance, but is finding it difficult to break into the job market.
The outplacement firms I've contacted work with folks who have lost positions and are in transition, but they don't work with those trying to break into their field.
Do you know of a firm, or an individual, who would be willing to help out? My family understands that there would be a fee for this type of assistance, but they'd like to see their graduate launch.
Please give your suggestions/recommendations here on the HR Net site, or e-mail Steve at, sbrowne@larosas.com , and he'll forward your information to me.
Thanks for helping !!
If the student hasn't interned, I would recommend doing that even though they have already graduated. I will keep my eyes open for potential positions. My sister works for Robert Half - she would be willing to look at his resume and see if they have something that would fit. Megan.Schloss@rhmr.com.