Applicant Tracking Systems

Hi All

We are currently reviewing new ATS and I am requesting your input if you use Jobvite, ICIMS or Lever. We like them all; each one has something we like. If we could combine the three, we'd have the perfect ATS for a minute or two.

If you have used one of these three systems, either currently or in the past, can you provide your input and feedback. A little background, we are a state chartered credit union with 350 employees. We use our ATS for both internal and external requisitions and need something that will integrate with Ultimate Software (our current HRIS and we are implementing their Onboarding soon.) they all say they integrate with Ulti, but I'd appreciate any feedback on your experiences.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Elisa Abner-Taschwer, SPHR

FORUM Credit Union

Fishers, Indiana


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