Salary Analysis

I've been tasked with completing a salary analysis for our entry level positions. I was hoping to be able to gather information on my own without a cost. Any ideas?



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  • I'd recommend looking at the BLS as a starting point.

    Robert Half has several guides that are free for various industries.

    A lot of larger universities post all their salary ranges publicly for most of their entry-level positions.

    Some employers post ranges in their job postings.

    Good luck,


  • I would also reach out to your local chamber and see what data they have that they can lend you. 

  • You can find entry-level comp data at Ohio Means Jobs, apply your applicant information and of course, tap local resources (i.e. Employers Resource Group).

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 458Views
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