Hallowee-need to hang out! - GETDOT October 2016 Thursday, October 20, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (EDT)


Your kids are tired of school, your pumpkin flavor quota for the year has almost been completely met and you're just hoping that little white stuff doesn't fall from the sky any time soon. Let us ease your tension and give you a break from the hayrides with another evening of networking and donations at the Marriott Northeast in Mason!

Charity of the Month: Faces Without Places (FwP)

Faces without Places (FwP) provides educational and enrichment programming, school transportation and supplies, and other specialized services to thousands of children and youth experiencing homelessness each year in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.

Believing education to be the key to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty, FwP’s primary goal is to provide school stability for the approximately 6,000 children experiencing homelessness each year in Greater Cincinnati. Although there are other social services that provide resources for families experiencing homelessness to obtain food, shelter, work, and childcare, we are the only local non-profit that focuses exclusively on the educational needs of children experiencing homelessness.

FwP strives to achieve its mission through:
(1) Educational and enrichment programming
(2) Providing school transportation and supplies through our Educational Stability Collaborative
(3) Awareness initiatives

We are going to ask those of you coming to do two main things: tell/bring a friend and come with some money so that we can help these folks help the youth in their community!

On behalf of the board, we look forward to hanging out with you another month!!!


When & Where:

Thursday, October 20, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (EDT)

deSha's American Tavern-Cincinnati
11320 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45249

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GETDOT Cincinnati is a social networking group that  brings together people on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Each GETDOT event has the same goal: use money raised through donations to provide funding for a children’s charity of the night.

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