Change the Workplace, Change the World Hybrid Workshop - 9/25/24

Change the Workplace, Change the World.
Essential insights for building people-first, high-performance organizations.

What if you could turn the workplace from a source of stress into a solution? What if you could create a culture of engagement, purpose, and impact that benefits your people, your business, and the world? In this session, you’ll learn how to build a people-first, high-performance organization that drives productivity, performance, and a virtuous cycle of growth. It’s time to change the workplace and change the world.

Join the conversation as we share practical insights and strategies for adapting and thriving in the new world of work. We’ll explore the key trends and drivers shaping the future of work and their implications for your business and workforce

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Quantify the labor market headwinds that threaten the long-term viability of their organization.
  • Assess their organization on four elements of high-performance culture needed to become a destination employer.
  • Identify one process that could immediately elevate their people and performance.

NOTE: This event is hybrid. You can attend in person in the Cupertino, California area on online!

The link to register and for more details is:

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