FMLA Requests

How many times are you required to give FMLA paperwork to be completed to an employee? 

Example: We have given an employee FMLA paperwork multiple times and they continue not to complete the paperwork and then will continue to request FMLA paperwork. They still have their FMLA hours to be used. 

Do I need to continue to provide them with FMLA paperwork? Thanks for any insight you can lend on this.


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  • In this situation, I'd send a copy to their home with a signature/return receipt required. I'd also send to the email address on file (both company and other if on file) with a read receipt.   

    As always document document document. 

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  • Hello, 

    We mail the FMLA paperwork to the employee's home address on file using a USPS Priority Mail envelope, which we can track its delivery.  We keep on file a copy of the FMLA paperwork that was mailed and a copy of the delivery/tracking confirmation.  The FMLA paperwork gives the employee 14 days to complete and return.  If they do not, then we mail in another USPS Priority Mail envelope the FMLA Designation Notice Form informing the employee we have not received their completed Healthcare Certification paperwork and giving them 7 more days to complete and return.  The USPS Priority Mail envelopes really helped us confirm this type of paperwork was received and served as our proof that we sent it (since it is tracked, and no signature is necessary for the mail person to deliver it).  Hope this info helps.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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