Want to talk to an HR peer who uses 9-box performance reviews

(This came to me from Jodi Heisler an HR Director - Steve)

I am looking for someone who is using 9-box for their performance review process.  I need someone who can teach me the system's ins and outs. It would help to connect with someone soon as we are looking to launch/implement this at our company.

Thanks - Jodi

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  • We use the 9 Box in our annual "Talent Talk" in which I facilitate a review of all the leaders in the organizaion with our executive team. We have also extended this to review high potentials who are not yet in leadership roles. We do not use it in the place of a performance review but an overall assessment of the talent pipeline of the organization. I am happy to connect. You can contact me at jennifer.king@xtek.com

  • I’ve used 9 boxes throughout my time in HR. I have definitions for each box and have trained/coached leaders in using them. Happy to share/support. My email is joanna@diversitycrew.com

  • Jodi, I have created a system that automates the whole 9 Box process and is rich in reporting for the organization as a whole, for various levels, and for individuals. It is easily customized for your organization and extremely affordable. It is part of a Talent Management system that you can use strictly for 9 Box or for Talent Management in general. It allows you to analyze your organization and discover key areas for focusing development etc. You can contact me at sdevendorf@PDServices.com

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