BWSHRM Leadership Workshop - 4/13/23

April 13 8-10:30 AM
Cost: $20
To Register:
2 HR Recertification Credits Pending
Two great topics
Thinking Outside Your Brain
We have been told that “your brain is like a computer” or “you must exercise your brain to get smarter, just like you exercise to make muscles stronger”, but this is not true. The modern world is complex, overflowing with information overload, and filled with non-intuitive ideas. We must begin to “think outside” the brain to successfully cope with the accelerated pace of our days, escalating complexity, and the sheer volume of information we are faced with. This session will help you see how thinking outside your brain can make a difference.
Allyship in the workplace means using your personal privilege to support colleagues from historically marginalized communities. Allies wield their influence to amplify the voices and elevate the employee experience of their underrepresented coworkers. This session explores how you and your organization can support allyship efforts.
Thomas Mobley, SPHR, SHRM-CP - Mobley HR Consulting
Darryl B. Rice, Ph.D. – Miami University
Part of the proceeds from this event goes to BWSHRM’s scholarship fund and SHRM Foundation