Webinar on Global Mobility and HR professionals - 11/10/20

Learn how to help relocating employees ease their personal finance pains  

There are certain challenges that come with moving to the U.S. for work. You know them - relocating logistics, family planning, understanding health care and other new corporate benefits. However, personal finances can often be overlooked.

Join Advancial as we share a unique financial benefit that will save expatriates and their families time and money. As a Global Employer or Relocation Professional, you will also have peace of mind knowing employees can begin their new life in the U.S. with less frustration and a better relationship with their money from the start!

Attendees receive 1.0 hours of HRCI and SHRM credits.

Tuesday, November 10
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CST

Webinar https://advancial.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6X5w8rHtSQWiW379F_SIig

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