Up in Smoke, What's an Employer To Do? Marijuana Legalization and Employment Drug Testing- HR Credits
HR ProFile, Inc. is proud to host Taft Law Labor & Employment Attorney Michael Byers as the presenter in the upcoming FREE Webinar, Up in Smoke, What's an Employer To Do? Marijuana Legalization and Employment Drug Testing, to be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 2PM/EST. This webinar is part of HR ProFile’s bi-monthly webinar series and on-going commitment to communicate the latest and most innovative topics, compliance changes, trends, and best practices within the Human Resource Industry. During this specific Webinar, Partner, Michael Byers will discuss marijuana legalization and what employers should know and be aware of for their drug testing policy. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6351504111446996482