GETDOT Come network with a cause. Join us on Thursday, May 17, 2018 for great networking and learn more about Lighthouse Youth Services.

Place:      Quality Hotel (formerly the Crowne Plaza)

                 5901 Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati, OH

          Time:       5:30 – 7:00 PM

Register: Eventbrite or

          Charity:  Lighthouse Youth Services –

Our Mission

The mission of Lighthouse Youth & Family Services is to advance the dignity and well-being of children, youth and families in need.

Our Values

Integrity: We do what we say we will do.

Diversity: Our differences strengthen us.

Excellence: We challenge ourselves to do our best.

Adaptability: We meet the changing needs of our community.

Family: We support families for healthy children and a strong community.

Optimism: Everyone has the capacity to grow and to contribute to the community.

Respect: We treat everyone with respect.

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