7 Strategies to Streamline HR Busywork and Maximize Your HR Team’s Productivity - Webinar, 10/10/19

(This post came to me from Jessica Miller-Merrell - Steve)

The average U.S. worker spends on average 47 hours a week at work, 14 hours a week being productive, and nearly 10 hours of week distracted and surfing mindlessly on the web.  As an HR executive, your struggle to optimize and elevate your own workday and your teams is constant and unrelenting. 

In this webcast, you’ll learn 7 strategies to streamline your HR team and drive maximum productivity, helping to eliminate non-productive time and busywork in human resources. Hear from our speakers on how to get out from the HR weeds and be more strategic in your role supporting the larger business. This hour-long interactive presentation focuses on HR productivity strategies for success, prioritizing you and your team’s tasks, combined with recommended technologies and tools designed to help you operate in the most focused and optimized way. You’ll walk away with success strategies designed to increase productivity levels as much as  25%. Imagine if you had 25% more of anything - more time, more results or more happiness.

This webcast is pre-approved for 1.0 business HRCI and SHRM credits. Join us on Thursday, 10/10/19 at 1:00pm EST/ 10:00am PST.

To join the webinar and register, go to our site at: https://workology.com/register-for-our-webinar/

We look forward to seeing you there! - Jessica

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