Training for Managers and Supervisors

Hello!   Our organization is rapidly growing and we have many new managers and supervisors (many new in supervisorial positions).  

Do any of you have recommended training content or certificate programs for management/supervisors?   

We're looking to cover topics like: coaching, mentoring, how to give feedback, solving problems, managing conflict, managing performance/results, and some HR basics.  

Thank-you in advance! 

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    • Vicky DiGiovanni
    • Professional and Team Development Coach
    • Vicky_DiGiovanni
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello.  I have a fresh approach excellent for onboarding, communication, team/department effectiveness and leadership development.  

    Contact me if you are interested to see if there synergy between your needs and a new approach.  Vicky 

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  • Hi, Parker - I have a manager training that I created and have given to various management teams over the years. I also have a version that is geared towards helping HR pros create such a training for their organizations. I will actually be presenting that session at the Ohio SHRM conference in September. I would be happy to send you a sample deck if it's helpful. You can email me at

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  • Parker, there are many good programs/consultants out there that can assist you. We would behappy to talk/lend a hand if you still need it. Best. Joe (

    • Benjamin McCall
    • HR & Business Strategy | Talent | Executive & Change Leadership
    • Benjaminm
    • 1 yr ago
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    Afternoon Parker

    There are a number of directions you can go with this. I'm person, virtual, etc. We can foodies of you like in a discovery call of you like. 

    I'm sure I can help with regard to your needs but also point you in another direction depending if on what you have to share! 


  • Hi Parker.  

    I would love to talk to you about offering training for your supervisors.    I’m actually hosting a 4-part series in October.  It’s virtual and would give you a great flavor of what i can do for your organization!!

    Please feel free to connect!

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