HR partnership at its finest + discount codes! - 7/14/21 through 7/15/21

  • Erich Kurschat
  • HR advocate. DiSC nerd. Introvert.
  • Erich_Kurschat
  • updated 3 yrs ago

HRHotSeat Chicago association partner HRUnite! is generously offering all new and existing HRHotSeat members a discount code worth $21 off the price of a virtual ticket for the upcoming HRUnite! 2021 Conference on July 14-15.

To sweeten the deal, HRUnite! will be giving away one FREE conference pass to an attendee at HRHotSeat Chicago mastermind 59 on the evening of June 17th.

To qualify, simply...

1) create a free HRHotSeat member profile (and message Erich Kurschat for the discount code)

2) register for mastermind 59 (and stay tuned for free conference pass details)

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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