Stress and Healing the Human Brain Zoominar - 3/25/22 (Also check out other upcoming seminars)

  • Scott Warrick
  • Scott Warrick's HR Consulting & Employment Law
  • Scott_Warrick
  • updated 2 yrs ago

Stress and Healing the Human Brain Zoominar

Based on Scott's upcoming book, HEALING THE HUMAN BRAIN.

When: Friday, 3/25/22 - 12:30 pm to 4:15 pm EST


There is simply no other session like this!

Scott was diagnosed with PTSD. His son was born with Asperger’s Autism. Traditional psychiatric care was not helpful, even though they sought the best care the medical profession could offer at that time.  

Devastated by this news, Scott looked for better answers. In 2008, they both went to the Amen Clinic to undergo nuclear SPECT brains scans, which included over six hours of intake data for each of them. 

With the information they were given from the Amen Clinics, in addition to hundreds of hours of research Scott conducted over the next several years, they changed entire lifestyles. In August 2020, they returned to the Amen clinics for another set of scans in order to mark their progress. 

Both of their brains showed at least 80% improvement. In fact, Scott’s follow-up scans showed that his OCD was gone. It had been cured.

In this session, you will learn what we all need to do to repair and care for our brains!

  • How do our soldiers get PTSD, and how do American workers get it as well?
  • Why is chronic distress your #1 health risk factor -  even WORSE than smoking?
  • How will chronic distress cause serious damage to your brain, resulting in such conditions as short-term memory loss, depression, anxiety, PTSD and so on?
  • How do nuclear SPECT scans work and what role do they can play in diagnosing and treating mental impairments?
  • How do the human brain and Social Epigenetics work? Which is the neuroscience of how the brain will physically change based upon the environment you subject it to on a daily basis?
  • How can you enable your brain to actually repair itself and PREVENT all of this damage, which is the neuroscience of “Neurogenesis” and “Neuroplasticity”?
  • What can you do right now to start repairing your brain?

This meeting will be delivered through Zoom. So, come to relax, have fun and PARTICIPATE!

To register for this seminar and also to get more information including more upcoming seminars,  just go to and click onto SCOTT’S UPCOMING SEMINARS.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call.


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