Employee Appreciation Day Ideas
Reaching out to see if you have ideas for celebrating Employee Appreciation Day coming up on March 4th.
Last year we ordered girl scout cookies from a local troop with a logo shirt ‘Stronger Together’, mug, card with special message and shared a video with message from senior staff. Anyone have any ideas of things done in the past or planned for this year? I’m hoping for some inspiration! 😊
Thanks in advance for your thoughts / ideas!
Aimee Jantz, SHRM-SCP
Human Resources
Direct: 419-949-2902
Mobile: 419-564-8495
Main: 800-421-5863
Consolidated Cooperative
Electric | Fiber | Gas
A Touchstone Energy Cooperative
Light up your life.
Last year the executive team came in and made pancakes for our staff. Because we're in Louisiana we played some cajun music and wore our most outrageous aprons. We had a flipchart with show appreciation to your team with post it notes. By lunch there was a ton of appreciation shown that everyone could read.
Hi. Christina's thoughts are great and fun. Here are just a few other quick ideas given the timeframe you have. Company paid for gift drawings/raffle type activity; highlight groups or teams that had clearly exceptional results as a form of recognition...make it fun/quirky; if you're doing some kind of presentation, have a page that highlights and celebrates people w/ long service...could also do on your internal website; etc. . Lots of ideas on-line.