Expert Session for HR Software Buyers - 6/6/24

SelectSoftware Reviews is hosting a virtual hangout for HR software buyers
June 6th, at 2:00 pm ET — RSVP Here (Sorry, no vendors allowed.)
HR software can be a lifesaver when the solution aligns with organizational priorities. Knowing where other companies fell for subpar tech, the alternatives that saved them, and how to switch means you are equipped to make great tech choices.
Join SSR’s resident HR Tech experts, Phil Strazzulla and Zach Mason, as they discuss these insights during an HR Software hangout. We'll have lots of time for Q&A plus insider data on:
Vendors HR pros are switching to
Vendors they're switching away from
Our internal pricing data (which can help you save up to 30%)
Emerging trends HR Software buyers must be aware of
This is an invaluable learning opportunity if you intend to purchase a new HRIS, ATS, or payroll solution in the next 12 months.