2020: Adopt a Better Vision for Your Complete Health with Humareso
(This post came to me from John Baldino from Humareso - Steve)
Dolvett Quince has designed a 30-day program just for those connected to Humareso. As HR professionals connected through the HR Net, we wanted to make sure you were aware of this wellbeing program. We'd love for you to check it out.
Each day of his program will highlight another step towards total health goals. This program will consist of daily goals and engagement from Dolvett including: physical fitness exercises, emotional and mental health habits and nutritional direction. And for the first 30 days, Dolvett is letting you sign up for just $24.99. Great news! Dolvett has extended this offer through January 31st!
Here is the link to the program if you'd like to join in - https://www.dolvett.com/offers/zuvi4y5Q/checkout
Thanks - John