Employee Benefits Survey

I would like to do a reasonable employee benefits survey and would love any question samples you could share with me so I don't have to start from scratch and reinvent a wheel that has been created several times over already.

Feel free to email me directly at - bernadette.armbruster@clevelanddx.com

Thanks - Bernadette

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    • Alysa Southall
    • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
    • AlysaSouthall
    • 2 yrs ago
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    My organization, A People Partner, is happy to help with something like this. I could work directly with your employees and get a better understanding of their needs and interests. Then I could either provide you the information or support you with implementing the changes into your organization.

    Sometimes talking to someone outside of the organization can be a good alternative.

    You could start by talking  a look at the job postings of your competitors and see if they highlight any interesting perks or benefits. I also recently met with someone who provides life transition coaching to individuals, but is looking to apply to the corporate model. This is interesting for when people get promotions, all of a sudden become a one-person department, have a life change that is impacting them, grow or are hired into a leadership role, etc.


    Happy to help!

    Thank you,


    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Here is a template for you!  Let me know how you like it! 

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