Working Parents Well-Being

(This came to me anonymously from an HR Director - Steve)

My company is looking for a way to help with the well-being of our working parents. We have people with young children as well as those caring for their parents. Does anyone know of someone who gives this type of coaching or training? Looking for resources to consider.

Thanks for any recommendations and insights you can share.

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  • Regarding Working Parent and Wellbeing, check out Beech Acres Parent Connect Program for the Workplace. Parent Connext provides programs to support employees as a whole person. Offering Monthly Content, Lunch ‘n Learns and Individual Coaching Sessions. The provide resources to parents/caregivers for everyday parenting challenges. Reach out to

    • Ted Zalla
    • Ted_Zalla
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    We are seeing companies implement Emergency Backup Care, for children or parents.  It is a nice perk that working parents value, but it can be expensive.  We are also seeing companies implement family forming solutions, that often include coaching support.  Let me know if you have questions or would like to discuss.  Ted Zalla 513-703-8837

  • This is exactly what I do! I'm an executive and leadership coach and I focus on partnering with working parents in leadership roles who are looking for more success (their version!) with a lot less stress. Many of my clients see me 1:1 and organizations/companies hire me to come in for workshops/presentations/coaching (group and 1:1) on a variety of topics including work/life prioritization, goal setting, visioning, imposter syndrome, 7 levels of leadership and more. Feel free to connect with me at or or @shaynabergmancoaching on Facebook or Instagram.

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