Participants Needed - Diversity Climate Survey


I'm Jim Price, a doctoral candidate at Franklin University. I am seeking participants for my dissertation research study on diversity climate and thriving at work. The study seeks to understand how people's perceptions of diversity climate contribute to their sense of thriving at work and aims to help organizations increase employee learning and vitality, including for employees that have been historically marginalized or underrepresented. In an environment where diversity efforts are being sidelined, scholarly contributions supporting strategic diversity initiatives are more vital than ever.

I'm targeting employees of U.S. banking, finance, insurance, or monetary policy organizations. The size and structure of the organization does not matter as long as it has a financial focus. The survey is anonymous and brief - about 4 minutes - and does not ask for any company-specific information.

Please take the survey if eligible, and please share with your networks to help ensure diverse voices are represented. You are welcome to contact me here or through Franklin University at should you have any questions.  



Note:  Once the study has been completed, I'll be sure to share key findings with the HR Net community.  

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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