Research opportunity - can you help?

  • Gary Cookson
  • Father of four, husband of one, runs a successful business in his spare time
  • Gary_Cookson
  • updated 1 yr ago

Can you help?

I’m researching for upcoming chapters of my latest book. Can you contribute examples or a case study covering any of the following points? Can be anonymous if requested. 

  • Organizations getting hybrid working badly wrong
  • Conscious changes to team or organization design as a consequence of hybrid working
  • Individuals with multiple hybrid workers in the same household - the challenges this brings and how you’ve coped with them
  • Deliberately tailoring the hybrid working experience to particular groups - eg those returning to the workforce after a break; those in their very first job, etc.

Email me at or DM me here if you think you can help.

I am especially interested in US based examples or those from global companies.

Thanks - Gary 

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