A more effective (and less expensive) way to stop smoking.

Let’s do some numbers:

Six month quit rates for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alone is 3-5%.  Have a physician recommend NRT and it increases to 10%.  Chantix is 14%.  Sit to Quit, the mindfulness based program where videos, workbook and meditations plus 5 personal coaching calls are all online, is 32.8%.

A lot of businesses have been using cognitive based smoking cessation programs similar to the one from the American Lung Association.   A study conducted several years ago comparing a mindfulness based approach vs. the American Lung Association gold standard revealed the mindfulness approach to be 5x more effective.  At the end of six months the quit rate for the ALA gold standard was 5% — equivalent to someone buying NRT at their local drugstore.

I can offer Sit to Quit to individuals online, but it has potential to be more effective (and less expensive) when coaching sessions are offered as online groups.

Just one more number.  A 2014 Ohio State University study revealed that each employee costs a business $6000 annually. 

If you’re ready to make your employees, and business bottom line, healthier, contact me by email at Mark@mindsatpeace.net or phone 513-666-1413.


Let’s make 2020 the healthiest year ever!

Thank you for reading!

Mark Levine

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