How do you caution your boss?

  • Ayobami Okediji
  • HR Administrative assistant
  • Ayobami_Okediji
  • updated 7 yrs ago

I work in a startup consulting firm where my boss has the sole responsibility of recruiting anybody he wanted. I was recently made the HR Administrative Assistant in my workplace. Prior to this effect, I had been noticing some errors in his recruitment style. He oftentimes recruits people who have good appearances and awesome communication skills, but he doesn't recruit talents for some particular positions e.g. Graphic designer, IT expert. So most times whenever we had things to do that needed a graphic designer, we ended up outsourcing these responsibilities which in turn costs the firm more resources.

My question now is, why should he keep just employing people for positions that are not needed when he could have just employed people that could do specific and very expedient roles? How do you think I can caution my boss?

Thanks for your insight and replies.

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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