eX Podcast Ep. 9: Building A Strong Startup Company Culture.

Startup founders are usually so busy building their companies and improving their products that they underestimate the value of company culture.
Company culture is not just about office game rooms, free snacks or casual Friday. It’s about how your team works together. It’s what your team believes in and what they value the most. In order for your team to collaborate effectively, you need to build a strong company culture.

Kristian Andersen knows a little bit about startups, to say the least. He is a designer and brand strategist at heart, started KA+A, now Studio Science, a design and digital branding agency, and co-founded multiple startups. Kristian is now a Partner at High Alpha, a Venture Studio which conceives, launches and scales next-generation enterprise cloud companies through the application of business strategy, world-class design, and product development.

In this episode with Kristian, you will learn:
– How High Alpha differs from traditional Venture Firms and what type of talent they’re looking to attract to fulfill their mission.
– How in Kristian’s opinion a business brand and an employer brand are intimately intertwined.
– We will also discuss that there is no specific framework or process to build a successful start-up culture, it all depends on the CEO’s leadership ability and personality.
– How start-up CEOs manage business vs culture priorities.

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