Add To Your HR Toolbox Seminar - 5/24/17

Hosted by Personnel Profiles, Inc. Pre-Approved 5 HR (General) Hours Approved for Full Day.

Seminar 1 -- Millennials are Ready -- Adam McCampbell, VisionSpark

Seminar 2 -- The Power of Prevention...Keeping Your Employees from Becoming Patients -- Tom Ernst PT MPT OCS COMT, Board Certified Orthopedic Certified Specialist, Certified Orthopedic and Manual Therapist Partner Oxford @ Work

Seminar 3 -- Assessment Certification Training -- Paul Nolan Personnel Profiles, Inc.

Location -- 7850 Five Mile Rd., Anderson Twp., OH 45230
RSVP is required, but this seminar is free to Customers and Friends. Seating is limited. RSVP to or call 513-528-4900, ext. 3.

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