DOL 2018 Tricky Wage & Hour Issues - featuring Barbara Barrett (former DOL) & Jeff Shoskin, Employment Law Attorney - 9/6/18


Join us for this very special 3-hour First Thursdays seminar featuring:

Jeff Shoskin, Employment Law Attorney, Frost Brown Todd    &
Barbara Barrett, former investigator and trainer with the DOL, now CEO, Labor and Wage Consultants, LLC.

Department of Labor (DOL) 2018:

Tricky Wage & Hour Issues  and
Common Employer Mistakes 

      Sept 6, 2018                                                                                                                    

      Host:  Darlene Mack, MA, SPHR; CEO, HR Partners International, Inc.

SHRM PDCs:  3.0
HRCI Credit:  3.0 General

Jeff Shoskin, a partner with Frost Brown Todd, and Barbara Barrett, a former 30+ year investigator with the DOL, Wage & Hour Division, and current (very busy) wage & hour consultant, are teaming up again for an informative look at tricky and not so tricky wage and hour issues that continue to haunt employers. 

This dynamic duo will review common mistakes that employers (including non-profit employers) continue to make – over and over again. Bring your hypothetical questions and try to stump this band.

Register quickly, as we only have 10 seats left. Reserve NOW! l

10:30 Arrive and Register
11:00 - 2:00 Program and lunch

3rd Floor Conference Center
3805 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, OH  45209

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