Manager Interview Training

Hi All -

We are a national nonprofit, and we are currently working on putting together a training program specifically for managers for assessing talent and how to conduct meaningful interviews. We have ample in house resources on EQ, behavioral interviewing - however, wanted to open up to the group in the event that someone has creative approaches that they have used that have been impactful. 

Thanks - Talia

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  • We just completed an update on our interview guide and added questions that focused on the values of the organization.  We had focus groups to ensure that we understood the definition and expectation of each value and then research behavior interview questions that would match the value. 

  • Hi Talia

    We are also in the process of creating a training for our hiring managers. Are you willing to share what you have done with your program. I hate to reinvent the wheel if I don't have a need. thanks.

    Elisa Abner-Taschwer, SPHR
    Talent Acquisition Manager
    FORUM Credit Union
    Phone: 317-558-6170 Fax: 317-558-6170 

  • Hi Talia,

    We already have in place a half-day training course that is required for our hiring managers, but we are in the process of expanding that course to a full day as largely requested through the feedback we have received.  In the course we focus on in-house policies and procedures, crafting a job posting that will catch the attention of potential candidates, performing structured interviews, preparing the interview materials, screening applications, documenting and evaluating the interview, and making job offers.  Additionally, we have recently developed an interview panel member training that is offered as a short web-based course.  This course focuses on how panel members should conduct themselves during the interview, as well as what they're looking for in the candidates' responses, what type of information they should/shouldn't record, and what steps should be taken after the interview is complete.  This training is more geared towards non-supervisory employees who may be asked to serve on the interview panel.  

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