PTO / Holidays And 24/7 Facilities

Hi, looking for help as Lighthouse explores implementing PTO vs separate paid leave banks. 

For those with direct care (or operational) staff that work on a designated holiday, do they get to save their PTO (or paid holiday) towards for future day off? Do they get double time for working on a stated holiday?  We are looking at creative ways to pay for holidays that our residential staff have to work but the rest of us are closed.

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    • Kate Legters
    • Organizational Psychologist. HR/OD Leader.
    • Kate_Legters
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Debbie - I used to work in a 24/7 environment (distribution). We provided employees who worked the holiday double time and a half (so essentially overtime pay plus holiday pay). For salaried individuals, we applied comp time (so they could another day off without having to use PTO).

    In terms of other incentives we offered for working the holiday, we also offer prepped meals for those who worked the holidays (so for the 4th of July - BBQ; Thanksgiving we offered turkeys and pies, etc). My favorite incentive was clock in to win - if you were clocked in, you were entered into raffles for prizes (gift cards, fit bits, even TVs!) The goal was to make work fun! Also, we stayed open to flexible shift changes for those who wanted to swap shifts too. Hope that helps!

  • Kate, I like the ideas for those that have to work the holiday.  For those that were off, it sounds like your holidays were wrapped within your PTO bank, am I reading this correctly?  If they were off, they used PTO.  If they worked, they were paid and not PTO was charged. 

    • Kate Legters
    • Organizational Psychologist. HR/OD Leader.
    • Kate_Legters
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Debbie - The holiday plan was actually separate from PTO. Hourly associates had 5 paid holidays, 6 paid PTO days, and 2 weeks of vacation. Therefore, if they were scheduled off on a holiday, they simply used 8 hours of their holiday pay, which did not charge their PTO banks. Let me know if I can clear up anything further :)

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