Benefit Plan Design

Does anyone know a good resource on the basics of benefit plan design?

We are thinking of adjusting  our plan design and it would help to have some new staff understand the main points to look at with our brokers.  It's kind of difficult to explain the main points.

Thanks for your input on this. - Rachel Innis

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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Rachel - If I am reading this correctly, I believe you are looking for some software like Springbuk or Decision Master Warehouse.  Both are software that uses your current plan and can enter in alternative plans and will show you how that would effect your employees and your corporate cost.  

    Or are you looking for during enrollment season when selecting plans, an enrollment tool that helps employees navigate to the right plan option for them?  Those are also available.

    Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. 513-699-2986 or

  • You may already be familiar with these, but there are three main resources available via the web that are good starting points.  IFEBP is the most detailed and may require membership. WorldatWork is similar. The Kaiser Family Foundation has great information but it is generally more policy oriented and not employer-specific. On a side note, I also think it's completely reasonable for you to expect your broker to be fluent enough to help tease out issues and help educate your more junior staff. Basically, your broker should help you diagnose what's wrong and what can be improved. Good luck!

    • Frank Gottschall
    • President - Gottschall Consulting Group
    • Frank_Gottschall
    • 6 yrs ago
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    If you would like someone independent of your broker to educate your staff, please contact me and I can tailor a program specifically for your staff.

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