Need advice on handling union activity

Anyone out there with construction industry unionization experience?  I have a client who recently won a contract with Nationwide and they are being approached on the website by union organizers.  Owners are not sure how to handle this.  They are not currently a union shop.  Any advice or resources would be much appreciated!  

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    • Maureen Donnellan
    • Senior Vice President
    • Maureen_Donnellan
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hi Christie. Our labor relations practice leader would be happy to talk to you. Email me please at and we can set up a time to talk.

    • Benjamin McCall
    • HR & Business Strategy | Talent | Executive & Change Leadership
    • Benjaminm
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Of course legally you cannot force employees from taking part union nor is it legal for you to take action against them. The key is to be honest with your employees about what a union is and the challenges and opportunities a union creates in the workplace. It would be beneficial for you to bring in a non partisan 3rd party to walk your employees thorough the details of this while trying to minimize efforts that a union might create. The key is to make sure that whoever you have speak to your employees through forums or town halls that they give them the facts and do not coerce your employees to any one side of the issue. Through this you build trust and integrity with your workforce!!! 

  • Benjamin McCall  Thanks, Benjamin!  Any advice on how to handle these incidents where union reps are hanging around the job site and aggressively approaching the business owner?  Not sure what the options are for the owners.  

    • Benjamin McCall
    • HR & Business Strategy | Talent | Executive & Change Leadership
    • Benjaminm
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Christie Engler Your business has a property like and a balance between private property. Unsolicited or non-employees not approved to be on a site should not be allowed on site. So (1) you can have security or designated supervisors ask them to leave without taking away an employees right. The difficult part is staying vigilant about the parameter of your property. (2) really the only firm way is to have a no solicitation policy... however, by having a no solicitation policy you are also keeping anyone even employees from soliciting (girl scout cookies, kids candy sales, etc.).


    Hope this helps!

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