Engineering Resource

We are looking for degreed Mechanical Engineers--anyone know a good place to source candidates for rent or hire?   We've tried directly with colleges and universities within 50 miles of our geographic location but most are interested only in working for mid-sized or large organizations and not a smaller one like ours.  Currently working with five different headhunters, too, with very limited success.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

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  • I'm surprised you weren't having success with recent college graduates.  I'd imagine that you could advertise the benefits of working in a small company - quick growth, mentoring/exposure with the "top people" in the company, a role with broad responsibilities...

    My only suggestion is to tap into the passive candidate pool yourself, for example, through LinkedIn profiles in your colleague's networks.  You might find someone looking to make a career move and those benefits could appeal to them.

    Good luck!  I know recruiting can be tough!


  •  Thank you for the reply, Grace.  We have been trying to leverage the broad responsibilities angle, but hadn't really considered talking about access to top executives--I really like that idea. 

    Sincerely appreciate the input!

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  • Karen, where are you located and what kind of work does your company do? I have mechanical engineers coming out of my ears. Depending on the location I may can steer some your way. 

  • We are in Montpelier, Ohio, which is NW corner of the state.  We are a metal stamper and are looking for talent to work in our custom stamping division where we serve the  automotive, heavy truck, off-road equipment, and other industries.

    Thank you!

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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