I-9 Compliance 2016: The Ticking Time Bomb; New Form AGAIN!

I-9 Compliance 2016:

The Ticking Time Bomb

May 5, 2016

Darlene Mack, MA, SHRM-SCP, SPHR; CEO, HR Partners International, Inc

Jeff Shoskin, Partner, Frost Brown Todd; Labor and Employment Law Attorney

Matt Wagner, Associate, Frost Brown Todd; Immigration Attorney

      SHRM PDCs:  1.5

      HRCI Credit:  1.5 General

The federal government is devoting more and more resources to enforcing I-9 compliance, and every employer is potentially in the crosshairs. Minor and major mistakes can add up to large fines in the event of a government investigation or audit. No employer, even those with no foreign-born employees, is immune. Implementing a robust I-9 compliance and retention system is critical for everyone going forward.  

Matt Wagner and Jeff Shoskin, attorneys with Frost Brown Todd, will share info on the new form, tips for avoiding many of the most common I-9 mistakes, and how employers can self-audit, make corrections, and implement a better system going forward. Darlene Mack will share her insights from an HR practitioner perspective.

Rookwood Commons 7th Floor Conference Room

11:15 - 1:00pm

$20 for seminar; add $10 in you wish to add lunch - options provided at registration.


To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-9-compliance-2016-the-ticking-time-bomb-new-form-coming-again-tickets-21454968388?ref=ecal OR email darlene@HRPIInc.com

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