Talent Acquisition Webinar - August 23, 2016 - 1PM

  • John Baldino
  • President of Humareso, International Speaker, Bocce Aficionado
  • John_Baldino
  • 8 yrs ago

Talent Acquisition: Knowing What You Want and How to Get It

John Baldino, founder of Humareso & Everett Reiss, co-founder of Jane

If you need help identifying and attracting the right talent for your company’s unique culture then this session will tackle the issues surrounding acquisition.

The session will focus on job duties determination & creation, job descriptions and the marketing of open roles.

Date and Time: Tuesday, August 23, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Approved for 1.0 PDC for SHRM certification
Pending credit approval with HRCI

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