Principal vs. Fidelity

Hi there!

Does anyone have experience with either of these retirement services and their 401(k) programs? Wondering about the good/bad/ugly and trying to compare and see which would be the best fit! 

Thanks for any insights you can share from your experiences with them.


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    • Rodney Chronister
    • Connector/Help Conveyor - Working to be a by-product of my service to others growth!
    • Rodney_Chronister
    • 6 mths ago
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    Not having any experience with Principal but I have used Fidelity as well in my job have access and are partnered with 5 other invest firms that offer plans. I am happy to send over an easy comparison sheet if you would like to shoot me an email I will reply with the info.

  • Not sure I can help you make your decision but happy to help you weigh your options. I have clients utilizing both.

    • Lisa Lyons
    • Lisa_Lyons
    • 4 mths ago
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    We use Fidelity, they are, in my opinion, the best administrators for 401k plans!  Although we also have an independent financial advisor who monitors/advises on our fund offerings and can provide investment guidance to our employees in the plan.

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  • Same same same!!! We just went through an RFP comparing the two and landed on Principal. They are such a solid fit for us and felt like a warm hug. Did you decide yet?? Interested in hearing your opinions and thoughts about the two. I can share our score card and thoughts as well.

  • Both are good options...but it's equally important to hire a proper investment advisor. As a plan sponsor you have fiduciary responsibilities... which include making sure the investment options are appropriate, 12b-1 fees and aligned, etc. Your investment advisor acts as an unbiased consultant to help guide you. I'm glad to share more if you are interested. | 408-218-6177

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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