Self-Care for HR pros during COVID19
What are you doing to make sure you're taking care of yourself as an HR pro during this trying time?
List the things that are working for you so we can all learn from each other. It can be activities, resources, podcasts, websites, virtual chats, etc.
Let's fill the site with your recommendations !! - Steve
My go-to right now when I need a moment to center and chill in these surreal times? The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a LIVE JELLYFISH CAM
And, every evening, I'm listening to The British History Podcast.
- RE-CONNECTING PROFESSIONALLY: I have been reaching out to old and brand new colleagues (those I know and don't know) without a specific agenda other than to touch base and just conne
ct! That has been great = https://calendly.com/benjamin-mccall
- WEBINARS: Attending Chamber, National, and Association Webinars... these have been great
- FAMILY WALKS: 3X a day take a walk or bike ride with the family (Early Morning, Just before Lunch and after dinner!
- MOVIE NIGHTS: We have a movie night 2x a week
- CHESS: My sons and I play chess
- LEARNING: Periodically taking Lynda.com courses. If you have a library card you can get into it for free!
NAPS: periodically when able!
Lots of walks, talks with the family, fire in the back yard, yoga, phone calls with friends, silly TV, cuddles with the puppy, intense cleaning that feels good, cooking. That just about sums it up... It's all therapeutic and honestly I don't mind the slower pace one bit. Stay healthy and safe everyone!