How to elevate and offer a more engaging open enrollment experience ?

Hi there!

We're trying to figure out how to make our open enrollment process more engaging. We want to do something above just having our broker come and present.

What things do you do to make this a better experience?

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  • Good afternoon! I've been an HR leader for many years and recently made a change, but I loved planning our open enrollment. I always put themes around it with events, games, and prizes. It gives a boring time like open enrollment something to look forward to each year. We have done a music theme, football theme, and even a game show twist too. Happy to connect if you would like to talk more. 

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      • cromero
      • cromero
      • 1 yr ago
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      Danielle Oliva I would also love to learn more about this open enrollment experience! 

    • cromero I would be happy to. My email is and we can set a call up to discuss.

    • Fresh
    • Fresh
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Danielle - 

    I would love to learn more on the approach you took and the feedback from employees. Would absolutely love to talk more. 

    • Rodney Chronister
    • Connector/Help Conveyor - Working to be a by-product of my service to others growth!
    • Rodney_Chronister
    • 1 yr ago
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    There is a much larger understanding of financial literacy and decision making that needs expressed during times of open enrollment and maybe even be part of that constant drum beat throughout the year not just 1x.    Addressing wants and overall goals , not just needs (insurance, 401k, ect...) can be a way to help draw employees and maybe even their families in to participate and be active in something that addresses their overall financial goals not just fills the temporary void.  

    My team and I partner with small business to bring just this kind of mentorship and coaching to employees and is typically done at no cost to business.  If anyone would like discuss how a program can be facilitated give me a call (513)468-1300 or reach out here or LI.

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  • Love what Danielle said!  Also, I've seen companies build a theme into the ENTIRE benefits process for the year.  Like "Beneflix" (play on Netflix) and then the benefit guide looks like the selection menu on Netflix and features "Blockbusters" (Medical Dental Vision) and "You May Be Interested In" (supplementary benefits) and "New Releases" (new or updated benefits for the year).  They build the theme into their core document, their ongoing messaging, any meetings or events they might have.  Everything is built around the theme and the theme changes each year to make it more engaging and fun.

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