Mentoring Program For New Hires

We are starting a mentoring program for new hires.  It is geared to support the new hire for the first 90 days.  If you have a program in place, please share what has worked and not worked for your organization.


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    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi, Lori. What type of mentoring are you looking to implement? Is the primary goal to set them up for success in their new role(s)? What type of role(s) are we talking about? As a rule, what I have seen work best is helping the new team members realize the importance of their role and how it supports the Vision, Mission, Values of the organization. Then encouraging them to not just ask questions to learn their role but to provide solutions. This helps them realize they matter. Your goal being to show them you value their perspective and aren't just looking for someone to approach tasks in a robotic fashion. Hope this helps.

    • Jim Diebold 

      That is great advice.  I do want to start a new-hire orientation that sets the new-hire up for success in their role within the company.  Originally, I was looking at a 90-day time frame.  However, I now think maybe a year.  What are your thoughts on the time frame?  We are a trade show exhibit house.  We create trade show exhibits, from small pop-ups to multi-story functional booths.  Our staff ranges from builders and warehouse workers to accounting to design, CAD, sales, project management, etc.  We have a very diverse skilled group of people.  We are also in the process of launching a campaign to set each other up for success.  I think these two initiatives will complement one another if the right mentors are chosen and willing.  

      Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 3 yrs ago
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    My pleasure, Lori. I love the idea around this initiative. I heard a phrase today I am going to share and that is Mentor Partnership. It is possible that subconsciously we think of a mentor as a superior and a mentee as a subordinate. While the traditional role of a mentor typically comes from a place of wisdom/experience, a newer team member will also have useful perspective. So maybe we want to set expectations that this is a collaborative relationship? That aside, in my experience, challenges often come from departments not understanding the positive or (maybe more importantly) negative impact they can have on another. Maybe there are 1-2 departments that directly affect another? So a partnership might look like connecting someone from CAD and the builder group and/or project management. Or marketing folks with sales. Sales can probably be put with a number of departments. If any of your sales team are the stereotypical Type A, they may have no idea the impact they are having on multiple departments. 

    I would appreciate an open conversation to throw ideas out and see which direction makes the most sense for your different departments. We can do Zoom, but being a people person and someone that used to walk manufacturing facilities, I would love an opportunity to visit your facility. What is your schedule like this week/next?

    • Jim Diebold 

      Hi Jim,

      I would love to show off our facility.  We are quite proud of it.  I have time on Thursday, the 15th after 11 am.  Let me know if that afternoon works for you.    I agree with your assessment of folks not truly understanding their impact on others and their departments.  I look forward to meeting you.


    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So I didn't think to ask where you are located. I'm in Cincinnati. If I found you correctly via LinkedIn, it looks like you are in Atlanta? Looks like our meeting will have to be virtual!

    • Jim Diebold 

      You are correct.  We are in Atlanta.  Let's schedule a virtual meeting.

    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 3 yrs ago
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    What does Friday early afternoon look like for you? 2pm?

    • Jim Diebold 

      Sounds great.  My number is 770-676-4757.  Talk to you then.

      • Jim Diebold
      • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
      • Jim_Diebold
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Lori Lemons Shoot me an email and I will send you a Zoom Link so we can 'meet'. Have a great evening.

    • Tom Fields
    • Founder - Financial Fitness App
    • Tom_Fields
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Lori Lemons

    "Geared to support the new hire for the first 90 days"

    My Company has multiple clients that use our service as a mandatory training.  We teach employees how to budget and how to understand the language of money (stocks, bonds, 401(k), mutual funds, etc).  Essentially - we are setting them up for success right away.

    Although this isn't mentorship, we are teaching these employees lessons that will carry into their entire lifetime.  Talk about a great retention tool!

      • Tom Fields
      • Founder - Financial Fitness App
      • Tom_Fields
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Lori Lemons Sorry - it is a 6 week long online class FYI. 

    • Tom Fields Hi Tom,

      I don't think we are ready for that yet.  We are in the trade show business, and things are taking off like a rocket.  After 16 months of "pause," we are not committing to any additional costs until probably after the first of the year. 

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